Watch this video above to see the tram LEADING the traffic in via Green Wave Traffic Light Pre-emption

This is possible because trams have Green Wave Traffic Light Priority which cannot generally be applied to buses which consequently are always stuck in traffic:

See: green-wave traffic light pre-emption cannot readily be done for buses


If you would like to join in or listen to discussions about trams and their contribution to dealing with congestion there are two email forums you may wish to join:

Discussion forums

One is for those generally interested in trams and transport issues, and which is skewed towards Bath, but most of the points are relevant to other cities –!contactowner/bathtramreintroduction

The other with more technical details is a forum aimed at national tram experts – general but all are welcome.!contactowner/expertsfortrams

You can join either or both.  Please send email using if you are interested in joining.

Obtaining information from the site

Enter your enquiry into Google but add ‘Bath Trams’ at the end e.g.

  • “will people switch from cars to trams Bath Trams 
  • do underground utilities / services always need to be diverted for trams installation Bath Trams”

This will generally reveal the answer if it’s on this site.

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