If you would like to join in or listen to discussions about trams and their contribution to dealing with congestion there are two email forums you may wish to join:
Discussion forums
One is for those generally interested in trams and transport issues, and which is skewed towards Bath, but most of the points are relevant to other cities – https://groups.google.com/forum/#!contactowner/bathtramreintroduction
The other with more technical details is a forum aimed at national tram experts – general but all are welcome.
You can join either or both. Please send email using tyningroad@gmail.com if you are interested in joining.
Obtaining information from the site
Enter your enquiry into Google but add ‘Bath Trams’ at the end e.g.
- “will people switch from cars to trams Bath Trams “
- “do underground utilities / services always need to be diverted for trams installation Bath Trams”
This will generally reveal the answer if it’s on this site.