What we need is some Keynesian thinking (how to pay for trams, amongst other things)

John Daglish via groups.io  08:42 (6 hours ago) to main@claverton.groups.io What we need is some Keynesian thinking Richard Murphy Left-of-centre thinking has only dominated the economy for one period in history. The post-war consensus was built on the ideas of social democracy. That consensus collapsed in the 1970s. The rigidity of the post-war international economic architecture that initially […]

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Amsterdam before trams – choked with traffic

Dick Daniel <richard@> wrote: Thought you might like this picture Brent Toderian has put on Twitter @BrentToderian A reminder that things can change with vision and political will. ajb@a-b-o-u-t.com via googlegroups.com 15 Aug 2022, 19:24 (2 days ago) to walmsleydtransport, UK, dave.andrews, Dick Whoops! Actually, David – if you look again at the bottom left of the picture, you’ll see a tram […]

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Park and Rides – Batheaston bypass as a park and ride P&R… TV video from some years back…..(Conservative Council then)

Link to a tv video ( some years back with a Conservative Council, where the idea of converting half the Batheaston Bypass to P&R is discussed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GK3f48S8sk&t=68s Link to Press Article where the then transport minister says the idea is “interesting” ( again some years back): https://www.pressreader.com/uk/bath-chronicle/20190117/283321818563202 Link to article on down sides of P&Rs […]

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Where does the money come from for building a tram in the UK?

When trams are discussed many of those with doubts about the idea throw up their hands in horror and say “where is the money coming from”. –  in some way they may think they will be paying for it out of their own pocket, and thus become poorer, particularly in the present environment where we […]

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Biomethane as the logical optimum tram fuel

Above – tram wires in Liepzig – are they intrusive? Herewith an extract of one of Christopher Maltin’s earlier letters which followed a useful meeting with the DfT:  Dear DFT, We trust you are in agreement that much of the UK’s local urban air quality is unacceptable because of the high levels of particulates and […]

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