Evidence of modal the impact of tram investment on productivity and property values

Ultra Light Rail Partners commissioned some work with colleagues from our School of the Built Environment in 2019 with their research demonstrating £16,500 property value uplift in Wednesbury for each km a property is located nearer to tram stop.  – Here is the reference to the research on property value uplift:

The value of a tram station on local house prices: an hedonic modelling approach

Effective city size – it is well known that the large a city, with good transport the more economic it.

This work done by Open Data Institute tracking 40m bus departures shows the impact of unreliable bus journeys on Birmingham’s effective city size. https://dewaynenet.wordpress.com/2019/10/05/birmingham-isnt-a-big-city-at-peak-times-how-poor-public-transport-explains-the-uks-productivity-puzzle/ . Slide below seeks to represent their findings. They have stated earlier that if we relied on trams as much as the French we could increase our productivity by +7% as a country, I cannot find these figures referenced any longer. People use the tram as it is reliable and buses are not thereby incentivising modal shift and improving productivity.

I hope this is helpful and that you are keeping well.
With very best wishes,


Beverley Nielsen


Ultra Light Rail Partners Ltd

Cllr Beverley Nielsen
Malvern Hills District Council
Malvern Priory

Worcestershire County Council
Malvern Langland