Thursday 13th 7.15pm – A talk by Prof Lewis Lesley of Tram Power – “Bath Trams, on the right track?”

Thursday 13th 7.15pm – A talk by Prof Lewis Lesley of Tram Power – “Bath Trams, on the right track?”

Synopsis: “A tramway for Bath needs track that will not be disruptive during installation, has a long life and can stand up to the punishment of buses and HGVs. This precedes some innovative tracks still on the ‘drawing board’. Tonight’s talk will outline how a suitable track for Bath was developed, thoroughly tested in laboratory and in the field, and has been in revenue service on a live tramway for over 25years without needing maintenance.”

Here is the joining link to be shared with all:

Meeting ID: 818 2229 6792
Passcode: 172357

The BBATA planning group meeting has now be put back to 20th links and agenda below.


Petitions: 1. Divert Cleveland Bridge thru’ traffic to new tram loop / “trundle pass”/ not a bypass with no net traffic increase. 2. reinstall trams.